Hi fam, today, in this article, we are going to cover the four top sings that you are a true Pisces.

Pisces is the Omega of the Zodiac as the 12th sign. Your modality is mutable and your element is Water. More than that, your ruler is the god of Waters – Neptune.

He likes to scramble things around, use fog and mist to lure in and deceive, and he is quite intuitive, so much so that gambling might not be a good idea at all.

Read along to find out more about the top four signs that give you away as Pisces.

#1 – Dreamer

Since you’re under the rulership of Neptune, the god of fogs, mist, illusion, dreams and smoke, you’re in for a quite confusion and emotional strain in this life.

You love sleeping, and you can sleep (naturally) more than other signs can. You astral travel when you sleep and you gather knowledge from all corners of the Astral plane.

You’re used to being called a dreamer, and you’re not particularly hot and bothered when people without understanding call you names. In your dreams, you don’t just dream away and feel nice.

You receive omens and foresight for certain matters that are important and your job is to get them through to the person who is implicated in the dream.

#2 – Spiritual guide

You’re a Water sign, and that means that whether you want it or not, the future haunts your dreams and your waking hours.

Sometimes you pray before going to bed, to stop any nightmares and to bring something beautiful into your dream cycle.

Both your psychic abilities and your astral wisdom make you a very good guide. As long as people are ready to undertake the responsibility for their own lives and the choices they make – you feel just fine.

You feel the most relaxed in nature, and the confines of the big city are not your jam. Especially since you need fresh air and good food in order to sleep as long and as much as you’d like.

Live with your spiritual guides, be in a conversation with them, when you have intuition feelings – don’t dismiss it, instead follow it and see what happens.

#3 – Intuition on the max

As your ruler is Neptune, it’s only natural that your intuition is off the charts, and your ability to advance as fast as you can is something only highly motivated people can do.

You know things because you dream them, you also have telepathic connections with others. The metaphysical topics excite you and make you invested in finding out the “final” truth.

It’s often hard for you to speak to ‘fake’ people, as they go out all cleaned up and you find out that you really have nothing to say to them. But, once you stumble upon the right person – you’ll only have positive surprises.

Since your psychic powers are enormous, you should consider doing an intensive course in Seidr, or general occultism, so that you may use it to enhance your gifts to the fullest.

#4 – Forgiveness is a virtue

Forgiveness lives in you, and you have something so rare and sought after, that it’s a real miracle you weren’t UFOd.

Not many people can forgive, truly. But you can. You just need to wish it/think it, and you are done – all is forgiven. And however that impressive might be, you should still consider the pros and cons of forgiving someone, as some people come back into your life for as long as you’ve shut the door in their face.

Your big heart is so big and forgiving that people feel fear of wronging you. In the same way, they felt fear towards Jesus, back in the day.

People can see that you’re something special, something that is worth more than other phenomena more frequent in this world, and you should be aware of your rarity and your value.

Don’t let others walk all over you just because you have unlimited acceptance and understanding. At the end of the day, ask yourself who has shown you understanding and acceptance and reward those people. Stay strong, you’ve got this.

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