Capricorn men are sturdy and durable when it comes to putting long hours in the work, but short and temperamental when it comes to the lack of emotions.

Capricorn is the 10th Zodiac sign that stands for career, status, renown and material goods. Its focus is on the social rise and attainment of respect. Its ruled by Saturn – the lord of time and karma.

In today’s article you are going to discover the deep, dark sides to Capricorn men that they do not try to hide, but they certainly don’t advertise on a first meeting.

#1. Capricorns are emotionally reduced

These men only know one thing – how to chase success and career development. They have a nasty habit of letting themselves believe that partners will come to them of their own accord due to their status and goods.

Just because they are able to reduce their own emotions to success and renown, they expect the same from others.

This is why they say “it’s lonely on the top”. Once they reach the top and reign above others, they realize how wrong they had it from the start and they can see all of their wrong choices clearly, alas, far too late.

#2. Capricorns suffer from success

They are dead set to receive respect and renown from others. They have exchanged human emotions for pure success, thus when they are dumped they don’t shed a tear, but if they are met with career failure – they break down.

They patiently worked and built their imagined empire around themselves, but what they failed to realize was that they were building a wall around their heart, all along.

They are the loneliest people of the entire zodiac, and that tells something.

#3. Capricorns are coldhearted

These men lack empathy because they believe empathy makes them weak. They face the world like gladiators in an ancient arena, and they think that they have to fight their way through life.

The thing is, once they start, they don’t know how to stop, and when they encounter people who want to show them that there is another way, and want to share their emotions with them – they close down and throw their spikes out.

Related Video Understanding CAPRICORN Man

This hurts them the most since they are very emotionally fragile and romantic, alas they forgot it. And it’s no one else’s fault, but theirs.

#4. Capricorns are capricious

They will sell their soul for a goal, that’s tragic. But they would sell yours, too, and that’s diabolic. When they set their eyes on a certain goal – they do not stop until they achieve it, no matter who drops dead and what they have to sacrifice.

Capricorns believe in supremacy, and they think they’re “it”. They do not care how their behavior affects others as long as they deliver results and get desired outcomes.

They want to enjoy expensive and finer things in life, but when the end comes, all those furs and gold cannot hold their cold hand in theirs, and they face that reality too late for redemption.

#5. Capricorns are not kind

They don’t know what kindness is. They see that as waste of time and resources. This is the reason why their Tarot card is the Devil. They are more often than not, unnecessary cruel and vile.

Pay close attention how they treat waiters and beggars – those below them in status or class. You will gain a clearer picture of them as human beings and their priorities.

They also have a nasty habit of measuring people by their net worth and outward beauty. Don’t expect much emotional or spiritual depth from these men.

#6. Capricorn are shallow

At the end, once everything is said and done – you won’t find any deeper meaning behind their actions and words. They are goal-oriented and materialistic to their core.

Once they are done bragging with their status and salary, you might come to a sad realization that they don’t have much else to offer or talk about.

If you want to be intellectually or emotionally stimulated, you don’t have much to do with a Capricorn man, and that’s the sad truth. Better move on before you catch some feelings.

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