Every Zodiac sign has three stages to it. We all start off as the first stage of the sign, and those are the well-known representatives of all 12 signs (Ram for Aries, Bull for Taurus, Twins for Gemini…), but there are two more stages to each sign, and these are less known.

For Aries, these three stages are the Ram, the Shepherd and the Sun Reborn.

The Ram

The Ram is the beginning stage of Aries. This is their fiery, feisty and stubborn stage. The Ram is the fearless but foolish leader who prefers to lock horns and smash his thick head through the wall rather than to use his reason and logic to solve conflicts and situations that require compromise.

“Compromise” is yet to him unknown words and he still has a long way ahead of him before he can add it to his ingenious vocabulary. This is the stage where he learns how to use his head for more than breaking through things and people. The Ram is the childish stage that learns how to deal with his anger and temperament issues.

This is the stage where Aries learns that although he likes to be the first and pioneer in everything of interest to him, he cannot always be the center of attention, nor should he be just because he was born an Aries. He learns how to let go of control during this stage, and how to forgive both others and himself for the failures and mistakes he made during anger.

The Shepherd

The Shepherd is the middle stage of Aries. This is where he has evolved some, and he has learned that his passion can solve and win more than his raw anger. This is the transmutation point for him, he is grasping the idea of patience and dedicated work in the long run for a brighter future and a prosperous goal.

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This is the stage where Aries learns how to be more goal-oriented and dedicated (like Capricorn), rather than brash, brazen and loud. This is his hermit stage where he retreats from the over-extroversion and learns the silent ways of introversion and betterment of the self.

“Compromise” begins to be a clearer picture for him, and he is becoming able to work with others instead of just commanding them. Aries learns the lesson of not just leading but also serving and working in a group, but in a harmonious and balanced setting, rather than an action-packed and dynamic one.

The Sun Reborn

Sun is exalted in Aries, and that exaltation is best shown when Aries reaches his final form – the Sun Reborn. This version of Aries is the boss version the one that overcame the game and is now ready to share its bright light with others and upon others.

This is the true leader Aries was born to become, he now knows how to lead with kindness and patience, how to uplift and inspire others, and how to find the best compromise for everyone involved. The Sun Reborn Aries is the form to which the rest of the Zodiac can look up to and seek both leadership and comfort from.

This is the form of Aries where he resembles Apollo the best. This is the fine leader who takes care of his flock and makes sure that everyone is able to voice their opinions and express their emotions in a safe, healthy and honest way. There is no room for blind rage, stubbornness and giving up in this form. This form is the ultimate light-bringer and flock leader.

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